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Arbor 0116 2302800

Aiming High and Caring for Everyone.

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Year Six


Meet the staff

I am Mrs Jacobs and I am a year 6 teacher in Owls Class. I am the science and maths lead in our school and an Assistant Head. Outside school, in my spare time, I enjoy being in the outdoors especially at the seaside.

Hi, I am Miss James and I am teaching in year 6. My favourite subject is Science: I'm now the joint science lead - I love investigating new things. In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my family and exploring new places.

Hi! I am Mrs Muddimer and I am a teaching assistant across Year 5 and Year 6. I enjoy spending time with my family, going on holidays and having lots of fun!

Hi, I’m Mrs Mumford and I work across years 5 and 6 as a TA. I do interventions and 1-1 work with both years. I enjoy a good curry from The Spice Cube (the best curry house around) and love my cats and dog.

I’m Mr Rashleigh and I work on Year 5 and 6 as a Learning Support Assistant. I have worked in primary education for nearly 20 years. I enjoy travelling and my favourite holiday was in French Polynesia.


PE Timetable

Indoor - Tuesday afternoon

Outdoor - Friday afternoon


Children should bring PE kit in a separate, named, P.E. bag to get changed into during the day. P.E. kit should be brought into school on a Monday and taken home again on a Friday. Please provide shorts and T-shirt as well as joggers and a hoody or sweat-shirt for cold weather, as well as trainers. Please ensure that children’s P.E. kit is school appropriate (e.g. no crop tops, inappropriate slogans etc) and that earrings are taken out on P.E. days – if you are unable to take the earrings out, please provide tape for your child’s ears.

If you have any questions regarding this years SAT's please speak to a member of the year 6 team.

Uniform & PE Kit 

Requirements can be found here.

Class Text

Maths Fluency

This half term, we will be re-capping our formal written and mental calculation methods (addition, subtraction, division and multiplication) and revising our work on fractions, decimals and percentages.

At the start of each lesson we will focus on fluency including practising our times tables. Ask you child about our 'Rolling Numbers'! It is vital that the children can quickly recall multiplication and division facts from all the times tables.


Children should also practise their times tables using TTRS. Follow the link below.



Aim for doing this three times a week.
