Registration & Lateness
Being punctual for school enables children to feel prepared for learning at the start of the school day and is essential to ensure that children achieve their full educational potential. Children who are late for school will miss key information.
The school doors open at 8.40 am for children to be ready for the start of the school day at 8.45 am.
- Registers close at 9.00 am.
- Children arriving after the register has been taken, but before 9.05 am will be registered as late.
- Arrivals after 9.05 am are registered as unauthorised absence.
Children who arrive late due to an unavoidable medical or dental appointment will have their absence authorised provided that they produce evidence to support this.
In the event of a child being absent from school, parents/carers should contact the school office by phone or in person on the first day of absence before 9.00 am.
Parents/carers should continue to keep the school informed about an absence every other day. If a child has not been marked present in the register and school has not been notified about a child’s absence, the office will contact the parents/carers as soon as possible.
If we are not able to contact parents or are concerned regarding attendance we will call outside agencies for support, for example the police could be asked to conduct a ‘safe and well’ check.
School will only authorise absence on request in exceptional circumstances for:
• Sickness
• Unavoidable medical and dental appointments
• Visits to other schools
• Religious holidays
• To attend weddings or funerals of close family members (up to 2 days can be authorised including a day to travel and a day to attend service).
Evidence will be required to authorise any absence for children who are persistently absent or at risk of being persistently absent.
Where possible, medical appointments should be arranged outside of the school day. When this is not possible it is expected that children will only miss part of the school day.
Unauthorised absence includes (but is not limited to)
• Staying at home because a parent or other child is unwell
• Minor medical issues such as head lice
• Oversleeping
• Visiting family and friends
• Celebrating a birthday
• Shopping