Homework will go out on a Friday and should be handed back in on a Thursday.
Your child will receive a new homework wallet which includes their homework book.
Each half term, there will be a new topic themed homework menu and your child will need to choose three of the options to complete. Each time they finish a topic homework option, please tick the circle in the home school log to indicate this and your child’s teacher will mark their work ready to come back to you on the Friday.
Reading and number bonds / times tables should continue to be practised at least three times a week. You will notice a space provided in the logs for you to record this too.
Please continue to send reading books and home school logs into school every day with your child.
In EYFS, children should read at least 3 times per week, practise their tricky words and counting skills (including in 1s,2s- forwards and backwards within 20). From the summer term, children in EYFS will follow the homework system above.
Homework clubs will be available for any children who need a little extra help or where there are reasons where it has been difficult to complete it at home. A homework club will be run in each phase, on a Thursday lunchtime.
Homework that has been completed will be celebrated on a Friday morning before assembly.
Homework will be marked each week with a sticker and a positive comment- where necessary there will be top tips to support misconceptions.
Outstanding homework may receive a certificate and be shared in assembly.
Homework will be on the year group pages of the website at the start of each new half term.