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Aiming High and Caring for Everyone.

Enabling children to flourish and succeed


In Foundation Stage, we have high expectations of all children in our care. We aim to nurture children’s independence and inspire them to learn. We teach the knowledge and key skills identified in the Early Years Framework to enable children to feel prepared for their next stage of education. We understand that all children develop in their own time and pace, and we support them in all points of learning through targeted interventions. We encourage our children to ask questions about the world around them developing their curiosity and following their own initiative. We aim for our children to feel confident solving problems and to tackle new challenges. We foster a love of learning, and aim to open their eyes to the possibilities of new opportunities.

The Early Years Foundation Stage is the first part of your child’s education here at Christ Church and St Peters. The EYFS curriculum allows staff to work alongside your child in both child-led play and adult initiated sessions. During your child’s time at school, we will recognise their Characteristics of Effective Learning. This identifies how your child can become a POWERFUL learner, through playing and exploring, active learning and creating and thinking critically. Our Early Years Curriculum is made up of seven different areas of learning, which are used to plan, deliver and assess learning through a play based curriculum.



The EYFS staff at Christ Church and St Peters will use Tapestry, a secure online learning journal to communicate to parents about their achievements and wow moments throughout their time at school. 



The Three Prime Areas are:

Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED): Focusing on making relationships, self-confidence and self-awareness, as well as managing feelings and behaviour.

Communication and Language Development (C&L): Developing listening, attention, understanding and speaking skills.

Physical Development (PD): Developing moving and handling skills, as well as improving their knowledge of self-care and personal health.


The Four Specific Areas are:

Mathematics (MD): Looking at numbers in depth, including time, shape, space and measures. We develop problem solving and reasoning skills, alongside key learning skills such as subitising.

Literacy (L): Developing reading and writing skills, alongside the phonics knowledge that the children have been learning during Read, Write, Inc sessions. (More information is available in the Curriculum pages)  

Understanding the World (UTW): Investigating the world around us, thinking about people, places and the natural world. Identifying places of interest and drawing comparisons.

Expressive Arts and Design (EAD): Exploring the different media and materials to encourage imaginative play in a range of areas.

Following the EYFS curriculum ensures that every child is supported to reach their potential, aiming high, caring for everyone.
