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Aiming High and Caring for Everyone.

Enabling children to flourish and succeed


#initiative #healthylifestyles #respect #possibilities #christianvalues

Our Curriculum


Our Personal, Social, Health Education, including Relationships & Sex Education (RSE), curriculum encourages pupils at Christ Church and St. Peter’s to be happy, confident and responsible citizens. All children are encouraged to care, respect and encourage one another in our nurturing, inclusive and positive environment.


We intend to promote mental wellbeing and empathy across the school and our community.  The children in our school have a range of family backgrounds and life experiences.  It is important that we build upon these experiences to provide understanding of the diversity in our world particularly race, religion and relationships.  We actively encourage children to represent our school’s Christian values in everyday life. We want them to develop skills and attributes such as resilience, self-esteem, risk-management, tolerance, teamworking and critical thinking. Children need to see what possibilities are available to them to make the right choices, keeping themselves safe online and in the real world.


Relationships Education includes supporting young people in developing self-confidence in preparing for physical and emotional changes into adulthood. Children are taught to talk about their feelings and emotions to help with a range of situations. Children are then able to empathise with their own and other people’s feelings to develop a healthy lifestyle.


We will encourage every pupil to understand and be able to talk about the decisions they make in everyday situations to learn for life.

PSHE at Christ Church & St Peter's CofE Primary School
