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Arbor 0116 2302800

Aiming High and Caring for Everyone.

Enabling children to flourish and succeed


#initiative #healthylifestyles #respect #possibilities #christianvalues

Our Curriculum


“Computing is not about computers any more. It is living.”

By Nicholas Negroponte



Our Computing curriculum encourages all of our children to fully participate in a rapidly changing world which is transformed by access to a variety of technology.


All children will know how to use ICT to its best effect. ICT is a significant aspect of everyone’s daily life and every child should have the opportunity to experience, use and develop fluency in new technologies. We aim to ensure that all pupils leave us with age appropriate computing skills, so that they are well prepared for the next stage of their education and have the widest range of possibilities open to them in the future. They will be able to apply their computing skills, using their initiative in a variety of situations and contexts and will be able to participate safely and respectfully in the digital world beyond our gates.


We believe that Computing is a subject that not only stands alone, but is woven into and should be an integral part of all learning. Mastering age appropriate computing skills is essential, however we also aim to develop a thirst for learning in other subjects through the use of ICT.  Computing within our school provides a wealth of transferable skills within both the Computing lesson and across the wider curriculum.

