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Aiming High and Caring for Everyone.

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Religious Education

#initiative #healthylifestyles #respect #possibilities #christianvalues


Our Curriculum

"Differences were not meant to divide but to enrich"

J.H. Oldham



At Christ Church & St. Peter’s CE Primary School, we recognise that understanding and respecting each other and ourselves is of great importance to develop healthy lifestyles in our ever-changing world. Through Religious Education, we aim to give all children a depth of understanding of the world around them, their place within it, what they believe and what those beliefs are based on.


Children are encouraged to explore and develop their own thoughts, responses and beliefs whilst making connections between themselves and others. This enables our pupils to show respect and helps them to appreciate a wider range of possibilities. Children are supported to understand their culture and the cultures of others, and how they relate.  This can not only help nurture tolerance, but also support them in building the moral framework that is so important in guiding young people as they grow and develop into active and effective members of our community.  Children are encouraged to show respect for all; those with different beliefs and faiths as well challenging prejudice.


The teaching of R.E. allows children to help build their identity; we allow children time and space to explore Christian values and develop personal values to enable them to gain confidence, self-esteem, self-discipline, respect and a growing sense of responsibility. Through children’s learning, we seek to address important questions about the meaning and purpose of existence, and to discover and celebrate what is ultimately worthwhile and valuable in life.

Religious Education at Christ Church & St Peter's CofE Primary School
