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Aiming High and Caring for Everyone.

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Christian Distinctiveness

We provide an education of the highest quality based on the Christian values of love, respect, perseverance, hope, forgiveness and service. These are central to our ethos to promote the excellent behaviour and achievements of our children. As a Church of England School we:


Motivate children to achieve their full potential through excellent teaching which will challenge, extend and enrich.

Develop children socially, emotionally and spiritually, promoting a positive self- image.

Provide a secure, caring, welcoming and enjoyable environment where all children will flourish.

Welcome all children and their families into the school irrespective of their faiths and beliefs.

Develop an atmosphere of encouragement, acceptance, respect and tolerance.

Provide a curriculum that combines academic rigour with fun, sensitivity and prayerfulness.

At Christ Church & St. Peter’s Church of England Primary School our vision is,
‘Aim high, care for everyone’
creating a school which is,
‘a place to belong’.


Our vision is deeply embedded across the school, rooted in our Christian foundation and embodied in the account:

'The Feeding of the Five Thousand,'
Matthew 14:13-21

God's Story: Jesus Feeds 5000

In this story, Jesus does something no one expected: he feeds more than 5000 people using only 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish! Read more about this amazing miracle in Matthew 14:13-21.

Vision Linking

SIAMS Information

SIAMS Self Evaluation

Collective Worship Information


Daily Thoughts, Prayers and Activities


Our daily collective worship takes place in Key Stages, and as a whole school. Each half term focuses on a Christian Value. 

Policies / Other Documents
