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Aiming High and Caring for Everyone.

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Governor Biographies

Jacqueline Prisk

My name is Jacqueline Prisk and I became a governor at the school at the end of 2022.  I have two children in the school currently and twins hoping to join EYFS in the next few years.


I work as an Associate Professor of Sustainable Business at Nottingham Trent University where I teach higher and executive education classes on how businesses can respond and adapt to problems like climate change. The other half of my job is researching and writing about how businesses and organisations might do this better moving forward.    


In my last job I also worked as the academic lead for student support across the business school where I worked and as part of this I was responsible for student wellbeing.

Anthony Orr

I became a School Governor at Christchurch & St. Peters C of E Primary School just over a year ago having previously been a Governor at 3 other schools.


I became Pastor at Mountsorrel Baptist Church in May 2019 having previously served At Leamington Spa, Rugby, Worthing and Weston-Super- Mare.


Before I became a Pastor, I was a primary school teacher in London where I also coached football and later worked at Worcester College for the Blind.

I am married with 3 grown up children. We also had an older child who died.


I used to be a competitive runner and still run every day. I particularly enjoy coming into the school to speak at Collective Worship.

Harriet Parkes

I'm Harriet Parkes and I'm the governor for SEND (Special Educational Needs & Disability). Many years ago I was a pupil at Mountsorrel so I'm extremely thankful and proud to have been given this opportunity. 


I have been working with children for nearly a decade, with the last five having been in an independent specialist setting for learners with a diagnosis of Autism aged 7 to 16. I am passionate about supporting children to have the opportunity to reach their full potential and this role allows me to be an advocate for all of the children that attend Christ Church & St Peter's primary school. 


Rev. Colin Resch

Revd Colin was appointed as incumbent of both Christ Church and St Peter's Church Mountsorrel in November 2014. He has been a regular visitor to our school ever since.


He lives next door to the school in the Vicarage and is married with three grown-up children. He also lives with a couple of dogs, a cat and an ever-increasing number of fish.


When he's not in school, you might find him in one of the two Churches or around the village catching up with folk. He is passionate about Jesus, his family and looking after the environment.

Jeremy Robson

My name is Jeremy Robson and I am a parent governor. I have a child in the school and another who was in school and is now at Rawlins.


I work as an Associate Professor of Law at De Montfort University where I teach and write about the criminal justice system. I also sit as a judge in the First-tier Tribual. 

David Williams

I am delighted to be a governor at Christ Church and St. Peter’s Primary School, Mountsorrel. I was Headteacher at the school from 2011 – 2017 and am pleased to continue to support the school and its children in the role of governor now.


My career has been as a teacher and Headteacher working for 4 different Local Authorities in various schools and I have been a School Improvement Partner, an Ofsted Inspector and a Trainer.


Currently, in addition to being a governor at Mountsorrel, I am Chair of Governors at St. Peter and St. Paul Academy in Syston and Chair of Trustees for The Vines Academy Trust.


Cleveland Taylor

Anna Cox

My name is Anna Cox. I became a governor at the school at the end of 2022, I have one child currently at the school and another who recently moved on to secondary school.


I work for BT Plc as a finance specialist, coordinating lease contracts for BT’s business customers.


Since my first child started school in 2015, I have volunteered for the PSFA (the Parents Staff and Friends Association) to raise funds for the school. I have taken on the roles of secretary and then chair for several years. I have also become a trustee of the PSFA since it became a registered charity.

