Working Together
The school staff and Inclusion Team work hard to make links with, liaise with and signpost people to a range of external providers and agencies that are best placed to support our children and their families; to build teams around children!
Other professionals and services that might work with you and/or your child in partnership are...
Our Educational Psychologist: we employ our own Educational Psychologist through a company called Focus Psychology and our Psychologist is Dr. Nneka Ikeogu; she is part of our Inclusion Team and works with us fortnightly.
Children in Care Team: Our link teacher is Sandra Fletcher.
Our School Nurse: Our school nurse is Collette Locke and she can be contacted on 01509 410217
Our Speech & Language Therapist (SALT): Our Therapist is called Hannah Walker, she works in school regularly.
Our local secondary school, Rawlins Academy, Special Needs Department: Their SENCo is Olivia Redston-Lester and he contactable on 01509 622800.
The local Youth & Community Officer: Anthony Marvin and he works closely with school, sometimes working out of our offices.
The NHS Mental Health Team: we have a mental health practitioner approx. 1 day per week providing CBT for children who experience low mood and anxiety.
We also work closely with;
The NHS (a range of services, using SPOC)
Autism & Learning Team: Our specialist teacher is Chris Brown
Supporting Leicestershire Families
Mountsorrel Relief in Need Fund
Rothley Baptist Church food bank
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