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Arbor 0116 2302800

Aiming High and Caring for Everyone.

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Working Together

The school staff and Inclusion Team work hard to make links with, liaise with and signpost people to a range of external providers and agencies that are best placed to support our children and their families; to build teams around children!


Other professionals and services that might work with you and/or your child in partnership are...


Our Educational Psychologist: we employ our own Educational Psychologist through a company called Focus Psychology and our Psychologist is Dr. Nneka Ikeogu; she is part of our Inclusion Team and works with us fortnightly. 


Children in Care Team: Our link teacher is Sandra Fletcher.


Our School Nurse: Our school nurse is Collette Locke and she can be contacted on 01509 410217


Our Speech & Language Therapist (SALT): Our Therapist is called Hannah Walker, she works in school regularly. 


Our local secondary school, Rawlins Academy, Special Needs Department: Their SENCo is Olivia Redston-Lester and he contactable on 01509 622800.


The local Youth & Community Officer: Anthony Marvin and he works closely with school, sometimes working out of our offices.


The NHS Mental Health Team: we have a mental health practitioner approx. 1 day per week providing CBT for children who experience low mood and anxiety. 


We also work closely with;

The NHS (a range of services, using SPOC)

Autism & Learning Team: Our specialist teacher is Chris Brown

Supporting Leicestershire Families

Bridge Housing 

Mountsorrel Relief in Need Fund

The Salvation Army

Rothley Baptist Church food bank

SENDIASS (Parent Partnership)

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