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Arbor 0116 2302800

Aiming High and Caring for Everyone.

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Collective Worship

Daily Thoughts, Prayers and Activities


Our daily collective worship takes place in Key Stages, and as a whole school. Each half term focuses on a Christian Value. 


Our school family by Helen Rhodes


We hope you will join us by sharing these weekly resources. 

Wise words  - Spring Term 1 - 2024

We gather as a community for collective worship that is inspiring, invitational, and inclusive, reflecting the fact that we are a part of a diverse school family and the wider church community. This term, we begin a series of themes based on wise words –all of them from the Bible, all of them ancient advice about how to live, but in our modern world, they often sound surprisingly up to date! We link this ancient wisdom to stories from across the world and across cultures in the first half of the term, and then after half term, connect into the life and stories of Jesus in the weeks leading up to Easter.
